Hypnosis: A Natural Way to Get Rid of a Tension Headache

Headaches can be caused by stress, anxiety, poor diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, medications, food sensitivity, caffeine, overwork, tension, allergies, etc. If you have a lot of headaches, it is important to talk to your doctor to make sure that the headache is not a symptom of something else. Using hypnosis to eliminate a headache has no side effects, and none of the dangers of stomach upset, heart attack, or stroke often associated with pain killers.

Make sure you are taking good care of yourself. Eat right, get plenty of exercise, drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. Stress, anxiety and tension should be avoided, but this is not always possible. You can use hypnosis to help control stress, anxiety and tension. By just being hypnotized, headaches often simply disappear due to the deep relaxation.

Negative thoughts make you more susceptible to headaches and other problems. So, staying positive and happy will certainly help. Be around people who are upbeat and happy. Get out and do things with people. Go for a walk, see a movie, go to the mall or go out for dinner with friends. These will all help you be, and stay, positive.

Never say to yourself, “He gives me a headache”. You could be unwittingly causing a headache by negative self-hypnosis.

There are many hypnosis techniques that can be used to cure a headache. You can close your eyes and put yourself into a light daydream state and imagine the headache is drifting and floating away, getting smaller and smaller, until it is gone.

Here is another technique that I have used to help many people get rid of headaches (and other discomforts). You can try it yourself next time you have a headache. Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and relax. Take three deep breathes slowly, in and out. With your index finger of one hand actually draw a picture in mid-air of the pain. You want to draw the perimeter, the outside border of the headache. Make the “drawing” as exact as possible. Draw every nook and cranny. The picture should be done very slowly and it should be very large (about 2 ½ feet high). You might have someone watch you to tell you to slow down or to make it bigger. If your headache is not completely gone, repeat the method.

You will be surprised how often this works. If you need more help with stress, tension, anxiety and stopping negative thoughts. Many more hypnosis CDs are available here.