How to Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

How To Use The Most Sophisticated Computer In The World – Your Mind

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Two Minds: We have a conscious mind to learn to drive, to type, to ride a bicycle and everything else. After a while, we can drive while talking, listening to a radio and while thinking of something else; we can type without looking at the keys and we can ride a bicycle without effort. So there is another mind, which in time, does the driving, typing and bicycle riding. Perhaps there was a time that your conscious mind was unable to remember a name, a song or certain information. When the name, song or information later came back to you, it came from the subconscious mind. Notice how seeing something in your awake life can bring back the memory of having a dream that you forgot.

Negative Thoughts: To maximize your health and mental energy, it is important to clear your mind of negative thoughts. You need a healthy image of yourself locked in your mind … a healthy body image and to love yourself, since you will always be with yourself.

Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis and Selective Perception: Fix a candle safely and solidly in position. Stare intently at a flickering candle flame or any spot that captures your attention to focus your concentration. All is achieved by concentration.  Notice how you can block out everything else around you. Similarly, while daydreaming, it is possible to be unaware of people coming in and out of the room. While focused on a theatre movie screen, you are rarely aware of people coming in and out during the show. Your vision can become tunnel-like and you can see only the candle. This is somewhat like crystal gazing. For different results, we need to do something different.

Simply enter a trance with thoughts such as: “Subconscious, what should I do to lose weight?” or “What will work to stop smoking?” or “What career will give me the greatest happiness?” Once you are experienced being hypnotized by a hypnotist or even self-hypnosis, you can communicate directly with your subconscious mind for answers, solutions. Simply ask the question and trust your subconscious mind to freely solve it; to choose how and when the solution will appear. Tell yourself what you want to do, then leave it to the subconscious mind. Do not continue to question when or how. “Deliver the envelope”, so to speak, only one time. The answer will come in it’s own time.  It’s like telling your subconscious to wake up at a certain time or going to sleep with a problem and awakening with a solution. The answer may even come in a dream, while having a shower or just walking down the street.

If you keep distrusting how that solution will come, or when it will come, you interrupt the arrival of the solution. Enjoy your self-hypnosis privately in a quiet room. Just hypnotize yourself and let your subconscious do what needs to be done. Do not try to consciously control the process. Give up control and lose yourself so the subconscious can manifest. Allow your subconscious to lead you. As you notice sensations such as a feeling of lightness, heaviness, relaxation, feelings of calm, peace, slower breathing, not wanting to move, floating, numbness, time distortion, dissociation or focused concentration, you can experiment increasing or reducing the sensations with your imagination. This also enhances your hypnosis skill in all areas of application.

Maintain respect, trust and expectation of the best releasing from your brilliant subconscious mind’s storehouse which holds all your life learnings and experiences to draw upon. Experiment changing the audios and videos inside your head to something more positive. There is no perfect person. Striving for perfection can lead to mental paralysis. Simply strive to be your best you and always love yourself.

The conscious and subconscious minds are like two selves. When they are in harmony, all goes well. When they are not, there are problems. When you are “in the zone” or “playing well”, it is as though it happens subconsciously, by itself. Having free choices in life minimizes the influence of negative past experiences. You can always make changes in your life or in the way you interpret and view an experience.

“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln

Stop the Tension and the Struggle: “I have to be hypnotized”; “I have to stop smoking”; “I have to get rid of this pain”; “I have to lose weight.” People try hard to remember, try hard to sleep, try hard to experience an erection or orgasm, but it does not work. Expect change with the viewpoint that change is not only possible, but inevitable, a done deal. Concentration upon hypnotic commands achieves that very mindset necessary for success. You can learn how to control your mind, body and actions for health, happiness and success more than you ever thought possible. Improve your daily life, feel more relaxed and maximize the use of your mind and hypnosis for your best life. Learn how to have your powerful subconscious mind work with and for you instead of against you.

A focused mind meditating with a goal and a vision of success makes the impossible possible and real. The easiest way to master this skill is live training with a hypnotist or hypnosis recordings. Such training will also help you to master self-hypnosis without a hypnotist or recordings after you have practised to acquire proficiency with this valuable skill.

Train Your Mind To Experience Hypnosis: Hypnosis is a gift to give you more access to your mind to transform yourself and your life. Stretch one arm straight out with a fist. Make it stiff and rigid like a steel bar that does not bend. Close your eyes and concentrate that the arm is no longer bone, flesh and blood. It is a steel bar that cannot bend. Hold that thought. Focus. See the cold, rigid solid steel in your mind. When you have locked the vision in your thoughts, try hard to bend it, but you cannot. If it bends, you are using your conscious mind to think something like: “This won’t work. This is ridiculous. It’s an arm, not a steel bar.” If you completely focus on the thought or on the mental vision of your arm as a steel bar, that arm will not bend.

So, to get the greatest benefits of hypnosis, you turn off your logical, thinking conscious brain. Then you focus and turn on the powerhouse of your subconscious imagination. Use your imagination of what you see, hear, feel, smell and taste, as many senses as possible to make what you want to happen become real to you. Turn off your critical, analyzing thinking mind and turn on your emotional, imaginative mind. Make it as real as a great actor with concentration, focus and imagination, utilizing memories of past sensations applying all your senses. The subconscious treats your imagination as real. The subconscious does not distinguish between real and imaginary. What you strongly focus upon with your imagination, combined with action, makes success happen. Education, knowledge and creativity are also powerful, but only with action. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Hypnosis meditation helps you to totally focus upon your goals by creating a vision that success has already happened and is a done deal.

Arnold  Schwarzenegger, now in his seventies, just had another heart operation. As a motivational speaker, he places having a goal and a vision as essential for success. Otherwise, he says you will be like an airplane without a pilot or a ship without a captain just wandering, going nowhere.

SUCCESS: Do you expect success to be hard or easy? This is your self-fulfilling prophecy. As a person thinks, so they are. The more positive and optimistic your thoughts, the more positive your life will be. Have a positive expectation for your life. Pessimistic people have more colds and more flu. And you can laugh and feel happiness even if you have problems. The only person without problems is not alive. Challenges can build inner strength. When something bad happens, ask yourself what good can come out of this? Where am I going now?

Helping others brings joy to your life. However, you must look after your health and yourself first. You don’t have to please everyone and you cannot please everyone, or you will be worn out trying to do so. Taking the world on your shoulders is too big a task. The more you take care of yourself, the more confident you will feel. When you look after your own health as the top priority, you have the greatest health and energy to help others even more. You need to like yourself to enjoy life.

Stop trying to buy everything you see. It’s too much to worry about, too much to dust. What do you really need: Food, clothing, shelter, acceptance, peace of mind and love? Why is it so hard to say 3 simple words: “I love you”.

You were born with a lucky ticket if you are living in Canada. How many people in the world do not have food, clothing or shelter?  If you are never happy with your looks, your home, and everything else, you cannot be happy. Many people need to stop always wanting what they do not have. That is the disease called More and is never satisfied. I always ask: “Do I need this or do I want this?” You already have all you need for total bliss. You already have your uniqueness, your specialness. You will always be with yourself, so love yourself. Develop and maintain a positive mindset!