How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 6)

If you have particular food problems such as potato chips, soft drinks, donuts, butter, chocolate bars, pies, etc., specific imagery using association to disgusting thoughts may be helpful. For example, imagine worms, a mouse, a rat, maggots, lice, human and animal hairs, etc., in a coke bottle as you open it. Imagine drinking it and vomiting all over the house or in a restaurant where everyone is staring at you. Now imagine yourself refusing and turning down the same item, and you feel so good, so proud of yourself, in complete calm control.

Have you ever eaten a favorite food just before you felt nauseated with the flu? Subsequently, likely you probably did not want to eat that food for some time after the incident. Thus, the favorite food and the nauseous feeling had become associated.

The more disgusting, the more real the purposely paired association seems, the more you will be helped. You can use all the senses. Imagine the greasy feel of food as it goes into your body and how it slides around in your stomach. As you look at the food image in your mind, IMAGINE coatings of grease on it, bugs on it, etc. You must do this 1, 5, 10, 50 maybe 100 times to benefit. The number of repetitions required depends upon the clarity and personal emotional voltage of the image.

When using hypnosis, a few clear image scenes are better than many less-defined images. If you do too much, you will dilute the benefits. Choose your goals, choose your images, and make them clear, real and repeat them. The more you think of your goals, both in and out of your concentrated relaxation sessions, the more you will be helped to reach that goal.

Another useful image to experiment with is what I call HUNGER CONTROL. For example, if you are hungry, imagine yourself twice as hungry. Now imagine yourself as three times as hungry and so on until you feel you could clean out a small store. Now decrease this and imagine yourself not hungry. Then imagine yourself as full, bloated. This exercise helps you to realize that if you can increase your hunger feelings, you can also decrease or control the same feelings. Learn to have your subconscious mind work with and for you, instead of against you.

If you are really serious about losing weight, you will practice what I have talked about as much as possible. Visualize at night before you fall asleep, in the morning and before meals. It just takes a couple of minutes each time. For those who are less motivated to help themselves, in the evening before falling asleep is the best time. Finally, remember to get enough physical exercise and movement of your body parts to burn up the fuel you put into your body. Make sure it is high quality fuel and that you are not running on “garbage”. You will experience better mental, emotional and physical health. Using hypnotic recordings is much more powerful than doing this on your own.

You can now achieve full and total self-control. Congratulations!