How To Use The Power of Your Mind to Lose Weight (Part 4)


Your will power comes and goes. Before my clients see me, they say will power mostly goes. Psychological experiments tell us that when the imagination and the will are in conflict, the imagination always wins. So you can use your imagination to change your feelings, attitudes and behaviour. Several examples will be given. Choose the ones which seem the most powerful to you. You have had dreams at night which seemed so real that it was hard to tell if you were dreaming or really experiencing what is happening. With practice, your imagination can be very vivid.

When you have deeply relaxed and concentrated your mind with hypnosis, you should practice to create dreams, even though you are not asleep. This is something like daydreaming, when your mind wanders. But in this case, you will set the track of the type and course of the daydreams. The daydreams will not occur by chance, but you will become the writer and creator. You will present these daydreams to yourself during hypnosis, and just before you fall asleep at night.

First of all, you allow your body and mind to become relaxed. This will open the doors to the use of imagination and acceptance of hypnotic instructions. What can the imagination do? Well, we seem to become what we think the most about. If we are able to present enough EMOTIONAL FEELING TYPE hypnotic instructions IN TERMS OF PICTURES, NOT JUST WORDS, we can change bad habits into healthy ones. You must take time to make the images you think seem as real as possible to you. To raise the voltage power of the suggestions, you can use five senses of imagination and memories.

If you were on a “lucky streak”, and everything you did seemed to turn out right, you would be building up a powerful form of self-confidence that would make it more likely for you to succeed in other ventures. I cannot build up this confidence in you very easily in real life, but I can in your imagination and by the retrieval of memories and thoughts. This new feeling of power and control will transfer to your daily life.

If we think about ourselves being successful often enough and intensely enough, we are more likely to be successful. You see, the images you present to yourself in hypnosis and just before you fall asleep at night become accepted by your subconscious mind, as if you really had experienced success. The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between real and imagined success experiences.

While you are deeply relaxed in mind and body, you may wish to imagine yourself as already slim, as already having reached your goal. The mind affects the body. By thinking of yourself as having reached your goal, your mind will start to alter your eating habits and your buying habits. The mind is powerful. As an example, females will often experience symptoms of pregnancy without being pregnant, IF THEY REALLY BELIEVE that they are pregnant. Your mental, physical and emotional health, relationships, etc., are tremendously affected by your mood and thoughts.