Weight control is slightly different than controlling other habits like nail-biting, smoking, etc. You may cease biting your nails or stop smoking permanently and still live, but you cannot stop eating forever. Therefore, even though you may eat smaller quantities of food to stay alive, there is always the possibility that you may eat too much.

I will teach you the best types of hypnotic instructions to impress upon your conscious and subconscious mind during the weight loss program. You will be steadily and consciously watching your habits in order to change them. This is not easy work. Upon establishing a pattern, you will have to work at maintaining your new habits. Of course, it will be significantly easier once you have established better habits. Some authorities claim it takes from one to two years for the average person to completely reverse his/her habits and ways of thinking about food. However, with hypnosis. change is much faster.

Let’s face it. The whole program must start at the market or grocery store. When I go shopping, I consciously avoid placing items in my shopping basket that are greasy, fatty or sweet. Occasionally I will “treat” myself to a chocolate bar or pecan pie, or something else that is loaded with calories, but this is rare and never occurs during weight loss. However, after you have attained the weight you wish to be, a reasonably rare, but occasional “treat” may be permitted. Just before I go to the cashier in a supermarket, I usually look back into my shopping basket and search it, double-checking for “junk or garbage food”. I will often take items back to the shelves. I think of my mantra: “You don’t need that.”

If you live alone, it is easier to stock your shelves only with items that are healthy and nutritious. If you are able to convince others with whom you share a home to adopt new healthy eating habits, your task will be easier, since each of you will be supporting and encouraging the other. If you cannot help others to change their eating patterns because of their lack of interest, there is no use creating tension producing arguments. You will have to learn to eat the proper foods in spite of being surrounded by “garbage” and people eating “garbage”, even though it may be tempting at the start of your program.

Habits are formulated by associations. When I was young, we all bought a box of popcorn as soon as we entered a movie theatre. Now I sometimes feel like having popcorn in order to enjoy a movie fully. Then, I think about all that greasy butter and salt, and I think “You don’t need that”. Similarly, if you always eat in bed, while on the telephone, in front of T.V., at your desk etc., you are creating the situations which make you desire food whenever you are in them. If you always eat while watching T.V., you may have developed a habit which means that T.V. may bring on hunger feelings even though you may have already eaten. The best advice is to eat only at one place in your home/work — at a table. That eating place should then become associated only with eating.

It is important to be conscious of your food while you eat it. Nothing else should be happening while you eat, except, perhaps, a pleasant conversation. Even radio may become associated with eating. By enjoying the good taste of every single bite in a total way, by chewing the food thoroughly, you should feel satisfied with less food. Heavy people usually gulp down food without proper chewing. This, as other bad habits, can be changed or unlearned. By chewing food slowly and being in a relaxed state (i.e. not worrying about your personal or business life while eating), you will have greater salivation and it will be easier for your body to digest the food. Also, you will feel full with less food.

Make certain you have small quantities of food on your plate. Temptations will be reduced. At least in North America, most of us have been trained since early childhood to clean the plate or feel guilty. You can always get more food, but start off with a small quantity on your plate. It may be enough.