How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Lose Weight (Part 10)


  1. What is the specific goal? What is success? What is desired?
  2. Be positive. Suggest what you want, not what you do not want. If you suggest what you do not want, you are reminding yourself of the very problem you want to erase.
  3. Summarize your suggestions in a few sentences and then into a few key words. REPETITION of these key words makes them work.
  4. Future projection. See the successes as having happened long ago; that you have been successful for a long time already.
  5. Be patient. Habits of many years may take days, weeks or months of suggestions of positive programming.
  6. Check with your own physician before giving yourself any medical suggestions. If you have a serious psychological or emotional problem, visit with a psychologist or a psychiatrist privately.

Many people do self-hypnosis on the bus, in their office, etc. for a relaxation break. At first, you might spend 20-30 minutes going into self-hypnosis. After a while, you will be able to go into it in a few seconds. How many times to overcome a problem? This depends upon how strong your motivation is to overcome the problem, the type of problem, how long you have had the problem, etc. Just keep doing self-hypnosis as often as possible. Set aside 1-4 times daily to do self-hypnosis; establish a habit schedule. Be patient for results and keep repeating positive instructions on the areas you want to work on.

As you do self-hypnosis regularly, the everyday small irritations that used to upset you and which upset other people, will become less and less upsetting to you. You will be more relaxed and more in control of resisting stress.


A few methods are:

  1. With every count from 30-1, I’ll go deeper.
  2. As I walk down each stair (in your imagination), go down the escalator, down each floor in the elevator, walk down the hill, etc.
  3. As I pump my index finger up and down, I go deeper.
  4. With every breath of air I breathe, I relax deeper.
  5. Every second of silence that passes is like an hour of actual relaxation in real world time. (Time Distortion)
  6. My right arm is attached to a pump. It is inflating with air. As it rises and touches my forehead, I go deeper. As it now falls, with every inch of floating back to my lap, I go deeper.