How To Use The Power Of Your Mind (Part 11)


Many times I have been asked to reveal secrets for a happier life. I would like to share some with you in the hope of making your life more satisfying. There are many causes of pain. Check with your physician before using this technique. Sit or lie down comfortably. With your index finger of one hand, actually draw a picture in mid-air of the pain. Make the “drawing” as exact as possible. However, the “picture” should be done very slowly (about 2 minutes) and should be very large (about 2 1/2 feet high/wide). This is usually excellent for reducing or eliminating headaches.

Want to have a relaxation ‘push button’? Get comfortable and close your eyes. Recall a time when you were truly relaxed: at a beach, in a canoe or sailboat, by a warm fireplace, in the woods, by a mountain stream, etc. Recreate the sounds, feelings, sights, smells, tastes, inside and outside your body. When you have reached a peak with the relaxation, rub the tip of the thumb and index finger of one hand together. Tell yourself as you press them together harder, you are intensifying the relaxation. (Repeat several times to reinforce the process) Whenever you need to relax, just press the same index finger and thumb together. You’ll be amazed how rapidly you relax. You can also establish a ‘magical push button’ in the same way for confidence or optimum excellence. Just recall the times of your past when you felt that way. Recreate with all your senses. The “button” could be the same two fingers of the other hand, a brushing of your leg, etc.

A common problem for families is one or more family members snoring. As 95% of snoring is done when the snorer lies on his back, sew a rubber ball to the back of the night garment or have a ball with a string tied through a ball attached to the sleeper.

Experiments have shown that people can hear what is being said around them, when sleeping. One might whisper positive thoughts into the ear of family members such as “When you grow up, you are going to be a very healthy, happy and successful person.”

You are very open to positive suggestions before sleep also. For example, people will often awaken at a set time they self-suggest before sleep. This is a good time to see yourself doing what you do want to do. For example, refusing fattening food, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, etc.

After having been given an anesthetic, and just before you become unconscious, you are HIGHLY suggestible. See yourself in the movies of your mind with rapid recovery, sleeping easily, a good appetite, having been helped by a careful and skillful surgeon … prompt and regular bowel movements, prompt and regular urination. Incidentally, the mind still hears voices in the room, even under anesthetic.