How to Keep a Positive Mindset by Vance Romane

I hope you will find something in this newsletter to bring greater happiness in your life. I have always found that I am happier focusing upon what I can do and what I have rather than upon what I cannot do or what I do not have. I live a simple life without a lot of wants. When I watch thousands of people leaving their city which is being bombed, walking hundreds of miles to safety, I realize how lucky we are here in Canada. Remember the times you did more than you thought you could, the times you surprised yourself and felt great! William James, known for helping to found psychology as a formal discipline said: “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”

Anxiety and Insomnia, free help: Many of our newsletter members are phoning and emailing that the pandemic has been extremely stressful for them and that they have been suffering from anxiety and unable to sleep.

A recent survey claims 49 per cent of Canadian employees are ready to quit work, even in the weak job market. Reasons given are feeling unhappy, excessive stress, isolation and loss of interaction working at home, overwork, cutbacks, salary freezes, salary rollbacks and fear of COVID. If you are having these challenges, please check for excellent free help at my past blogs at

COVID-19 in Perspective:

  • 1914-1918: World War 1: 20 Million dead, military and civilian
  • 1918-1920: Spanish Flu: 50 Million dead (estimates vary); 500 Million infected
  • 1929-1938: Depression: Collapse of Stock Market and Economy
  • 1939-1945: World War: 70-85 Million dead
  • 1950-1953 Korean War: 5 Million dead
  • 1955-1975: Vietnam War: 3 Million dead
  • 2020: COVID-19 Virus: 1,172,000+ dead. Fortunately, medicine has advanced dramatically since The Spanish Flu, 102 years ago.

What is hypnosis, really? Hypnosis is a state of consciousness, of super awareness, not unconsciousness. There is a powerful receptiveness to new ideas and a strong desire to follow those ideas. You begin using your unconscious awareness instead of your conscious awareness. Hypnosis is extremely successful because you are tapping into the vast consciously forgotten storehouse of information in your subconscious/unconscious mind, everything learned since birth. When you see someone staring into space, that is a common everyday trance of focused attention. Exiting hypnosis, people are fully alert, relaxed, confident and able to drive safely.

Your conscious outer mind is basically analytical, critical, logical and defensive, with short term memory. Your inner mind is mainly concerned with inner awareness, attitudes, habits, beliefs, instincts, long term memory and automatic regulating of your body. Programming the inner mind is like programming a computer, largely with uncritical acceptance of new information.

What makes hypnosis most effective? Just imagining may not be enough. The hypnotist evokes strong positive emotions and feelings, mental images and expectations of success. You have noticed in your ordinary sleeping that dream experiences can seem very real. Similarly, effective hypnosis instructions or directions can seem almost real or as real as life. Your mind becomes convinced that you can do what you previously thought impossible or that you are right now the person you want to be.

Positivity and Negativity: Negative moods or attitudes are toxic and affect you, your family, co-workers and everyone you meet. Negativity is unproductive, hampers and puts a damper on those around you. You can have a positive influence on the lives of others. Evening and morning, before and after sleep, spend a couple of moments doing positive programming with self-hypnosis to prepare yourself for positivity and success. The everyday hypnotist helps people to feel better after being in his/her presence. Imagine and program yourself so that your encounters with others will be magical and they are likely to be that way.

Your powerful pharmacy in your body and brain: Since your thoughts create chemicals that affect your feelings and behaviour, use positive self-talk and self-visualization. What do you say to yourself all day? How do you see yourself?

Think about sucking on a sour, bitter, juicy, yellow lemon. Imagine it clearly, the color and skin of the lemon, the smell, the taste, biting into it. Most people find that makes their mouth water. Angry or fearful thoughts make your body tighten and your blood pressure rise. Your thoughts affect every cell in your body. Every cell in your body has a brain. By learning to control what you think, what you say, what you spend your time listening to, and being careful with whom you associate directly influences your happiness, your relationships, health, success, your pleasure or your pain in life. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis can help you to be passionate and joyful.

When you want to make a change, be sure to have strong reasons to make a change. That is the engine that will motivate you to success. My seminars, books and recordings can help and support you if you follow simple instructions.

The hypnotist and client work together: Hypnosis sessions one on one live, or with recordings, represents two people working together with active client involvement. Together, they tap the vast storehouse of information inside the wise and creative inner mind to overcome challenges. Hypnosis is one of the easiest and safest ways to communicate with your inner mind. General instructions for success are given by the hypnotist and the client’s inner mind weaves them in a unique and creative way to make what was thought to be impossible, now possible and real. Hypnosis is one of the fastest ways to improve positivity in thoughts and feelings, to erase unhealthy habits and to solidly establish new habits to achieve your maximum potential.

How to stop thinking about something? You send attention to something else. Please don’t think of that big, pink elephant… Ok, think of a giraffe with a long neck eating leaves. Attention shifts are often a part of hypnotic suggestions/instructions/direction. When the attention is shifted inside the inner mind, rather than just the outer mind, a life-changing experience happens.

Wearing Masks: In the past, when first introduced, many people hesitated using seat belts, bicycle helmets, even condoms, until they became acceptable.

The Chinese have had plenty of experience with pollution and viruses, so they commonly wear masks. For many years, when I travelled from city to city through airports and on airplanes, I saw Chinese people wearing masks. Why not follow what they have learned by years of experience? My mask protects you and your mask protects me. It is a sign of respect for others. The world respected medical journal The Lancet recommends masks. Too many times, I ended up with a flu after an airplane trip. As a result, I started wearing a mask on planes several years ago. If they work, you have won, protecting yourself and others. If they do not work, you have not lost anything, except the cost of a mask.

Have you ever noticed how many tiny droplets can fall from a person’s mouth when they speak? Masks can also help stop the spread of the ordinary winter flu. There is a good reason not to wear a mask and it is only if you have a related medical condition. Stay informed and connected. Not everyone has internet access or follows the news, so please help to keep your loved ones informed. Be kind and take care of one another.

May you be safe, practice positivity, uplift yourself and others,

Vance Romane