How to Get the Most Out of Hypnosis

It was not until the 19th century that Dr. Sigmund Freud was able to prove the existence of a “second mind”. This “second mind”, the subconscious, holds absolute control over our life. The subconscious controls our habits, our likes, our dislikes, thoughts, feelings, behaviour, health, our success, and our failure. You may temporarily forget a name, a word, a number, or some fact, but then it comes back to you. This proves the existence of a second mind. The subconscious does not distinguish between real and imaginary experiences. Sometimes real life seems like a dream and when you awaken from a dream, the dream may seem so real, that if feels like it really happened.

When your subconscious programming is positive, you are more successful, happier and healthier. For your best life, you want to fill your mind with positive, peaceful, joyful and loving thoughts. The ideal time to program your mind with hypnosis recordings or self-hypnosis is before sleep. The positive instructions turn over and echo in your subconscious while you sleep. The instructions are easily locked into your subconscious mind, as the subconscious does not evaluate them. The subconscious simply accepts without evaluation. Another good time to play hypnosis recordings is when you first wake up, as your mind is generally more relaxed, uncritical and able to absorb the positive instructions to guide you throughout the day.

For hypnosis to be the most successful, you should want the change to take place. You can set aside a few moments, and write down all the benefits that will happen when the change that you desire has taken place. The subconscious is powerfully influenced by what we clearly visualize. Your visualization skills, your ability to see pictures in your mind becomes stronger with practice. When you visualize, really be there, feeling totally successful. You can increase the emotional voltage of the hypnotic instructions by imagining with all your senses what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel. The goal is to visualize, as real as possible, an image of your self looking, acting and feeling the exact way you wish to be, as if the change has already taken place.