Good News for a Change

Good Things Are Happening, Better Days Are Coming

In spite of the fears and confusion around us, good things are happening. There is less air and noise pollution and a creative, innovative, generous entrepreneurial spirit. There is a slower paced life for the things you never had time for in the past. There is gratitude for what we took for granted, especially our health and essential service workers. Isolation and introversion are cool; kindness is practiced by many. Regardless of the sudden changes and the stress, we can gain a feeling of control in our life by focusing on the positive; by paying attention to our own mental, physical and emotional needs for better relationships and a happier life. We are more resilient than we thought. Better days are coming.

  1. No traffic jams, less vehicle accidents and less noise pollution; deserted streets; businesses, restaurants, arenas, entertainment venues, bars closed.  It is quieter, more peaceful and seismologists say a quieter Earth on lockdown allows making measurements more specific and easier to use and understand.
  2. Less air pollution with less industrial pollution, less driving cars and fewer airplanes makes it easier to see the stars.
  3. Realizing dependence upon China, U.S.A. and other countries for medical supplies, Canada starts a quest for independence. People are creative, innovative and entrepreneurial changing the manufacture of fashion designer clothing to medical supplies, masks, gowns and more; alcohol manufacturers making hand sanitizer; restaurants changing to grocery stores; rapidly inventing inexpensive ventilators; creation of on line concerts and songs with free access to the world; work from home. Pushed up against a wall, creativity and persistence lead to great and improved changes in our world.
  4. Everyone is more connected as one. In the future, I see more people working from home; more individuals, corporate meetings and conferences using  services like skype and zoom; less corporate travel; maybe less personal travel trying to check off every obsessive detail on a “bucket list”; greater recognition of the importance of connections and relationships; more people able to entertain themselves, needing less noise and distractions.
  5. Slower paced life with time to do many of the things that you never seemed to have time to do: phone calls, emails, letter writing, using the internet to connect with relatives and friends; hobbies; reading; writing; house cleaning, repairing, organizing and minimizing; singing and dancing; time for physical exercise, yoga, stretching; mental exercise such as meditation, creative visualization and self-hypnosis; on line learning for education and fun: visiting museums and art galleries worldwide; YouTube entertainment travel shows like Rick  Steve’s Travel, comedians for healthy laughter, concerts with your favorite entertainers, singing and dancing.
  6. Realization that we are all connected; helping one another. Delivering food to neighbors and seniors in lockdown. Enjoying the great happiness that comes from helping others. Donations to the food bank, charities, hospitals. Massive food delivery by organizations and businesses on a charitable basis to seniors and others. Billions of dollars of donations by founders of major corporations.
  7. Gratitude and Priority of Values: Being thankful for what we have, rather than what we do not have; appreciating the difference between what we want and what we really need. Missing, but placing greater value on personal connections and relationships with other people over the short term satisfaction with material goods. Realizing how important our health is as well as our health care professionals and other essential workers.
  8. All pandemics end. Realization that you are more resilient than you thought. You are a survivor of many past disappointments and challenges. You will come out of this feeling stronger and more empowered. Better days are coming.

What is healthy?

  1. Drop fear for intelligent and careful safety: isolate, maintain distance and keep up the hand washing. Wear a mask or scarf over your mouth when in public grocery shopping. Follow government and physician recommendations to avoid non-essential travel. The more we comply, the sooner we will have more freedom to move about. It only works if we all work together.
  2. We become what we think about. Avoid excess negative conversations and news. Listen perhaps once a day for information. Focus on safety and good thoughts, not alarming statistics and disturbing stories.
  3. Focus on gratitude and give thanks for your situation. You are not in your home in the Middle East with airplanes dropping bombs over houses while you hide in the basement wondering if you will be in one piece the next moment. You ARE safe.
  4. Look after your own needs for health and happiness. You’ll have more energy and be able to help others better if you are not worn out, stressed out, exhausted and hostile. Exercise, eat nutritious foods, laugh a lot, learn, be proud of yourself and give yourself a firm, warm hug.
  5. Enhance communication and your relationship: If you and your partner are both in the mood, have a date night like it is your first date. Freshen up, dress up, smell good and look good for your partner for an intimate evening. Have a nice dinner. Enjoy kissing, hugging, mutual massage, cuddling and caressing. Share your inner thoughts and fantasies. If one partner is not in the mood, tell the other partner the reason, whether stress, too tired or not feeling well so your partner does not feel personally rejected. Be kind, caring, attentive, appreciative, open and honest with your partner. Feeling experimental? Research Tantric Sex to improve your relationship. Release those health generating, immune system building “glad to be alive” chemicals. If you are alone, connect with others remotely, be positive and practice generous loving self-talk.
  6. Be thankful for any isolation time to call old friends, relatives, to get to know your neighbours better, to learn, to teach and bond with your children, to read, to try a new recipe, to do research, to repair, clean, minimize. Learn how to entertain yourself without all the noise and distractions of the outside world.  My father always told me “Better Days Are Coming” …