Frequent Question: Is it Possible I Can’t be Hypnotized?

If you participate in a stage hypnosis comedy show for entertainment purposes, you may not be hypnotized. The method of hypnosis used at a hypnosis show is designed to work rapidly, to be entertaining. Because of the speed of the hypnotizing method, some of the volunteers may not be hypnotized. Also, some people may not be able to focus their attention, as they believe they will be asked to do embarrassing acts.

Many people experience hypnosis everyday without realizing it. I call them “naturals”. These “naturals” get lost in the book they are reading. They drive for miles and forget much of what they have passed. They often daydream and forget about the world around them.

Even if you are not a “natural” for hypnosis, you can learn how to be hypnotized. If you attend my seminar, I will take time to condition you for hypnosis and teach you how to go into hypnosis. Some people need to be trained to follow the simple instructions to be hypnotized. I also have a hypnosis conditioning recording that trains people to be hypnotized in their own home. A person who is hypnotized has magnified concentration on the voice of the hypnotist.

When I want to be hypnotized, I simply pay close attention to the hypnotist’s voice. Whatever his instructions, I imagine and visualize the hypnotist’s instructions as clearly as possible. I imagine whatever he says by using as many senses as possible. I ask myself: what do I see, hear, feel, smell, and taste, to create an image and feeling so that what the hypnotist says seems very real. I really BE there. I stop analyzing. I stop wondering, caring, or questioning if I am really hypnotized. I just enjoy imagining and following the instructions. I tell myself to believe that what he says is true.

Then, I let my subconscious take over, to go with the flow, to imagine as if I am dreaming, to allow everything the hypnotist says to be true and real. I really BE there. At this point, the hypnosis is deeper and more effective. The more you allow yourself to be focused on the hypnotist’s voice, and the more real the hypnotist’s instructions seem to be, the deeper you are in hypnosis. After I absorb the instructions while I am hypnotized, I will follow them as post hypnotic instructions when I come out of hypnosis.

Most people should reinforce any hypnosis instructions (for stopping smoking, weight management, etc.) with hypnosis recordings. By reinforcing the instructions, the changes will remain a permanent life change with virtually anyone. When people do not take the time to reinforce the hypnosis a few times with a recording, the problem may return.

Being hypnotized is a skill. With practice, you can enter hypnosis faster. With practice, and deepening methods, you can go into a deeper level of hypnosis.