
Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis

Are you hosting any live group hypnosis seminars now?

We do not have any seminars planned at this time. If you wish to be notified when seminars are planned, please send us an email and we will add you to our mailing list.

Are you hosting any online group hypnosis seminars now?

Join our subscriber membership mail list to be notified about upcoming Romane Hypnosis Seminars to stop smoking, lose weight, manage stress and anxiety, etc. Click here to join.

Can I make an appointment for an in person or online private session? Or can I order a personalized hypnosis recording? 

I have established an excellent system to save clients time and money, as well as provide more permanent success. Here is how I offer private hypnosis sessions:

First Step: Click Here to fill in our short form for a no obligation complimentary assessment and evaluation, with recommendations. This form is for an online or in person private session, or a personalized recording. (Not everyone or every problem is accepted for a private session)

Second Step: If you are accepted to attend a private session (online or in person), you will then be advised and required to purchase and listen to one or more hypnosis recordings before your private session(s). This will condition you for hypnosis and there is a strong possibility your recordings alone will solve your problem, without a private session. The recordings also offer you a huge benefit should you ever want to enjoy or reinforce the hypnosis at your leisure. The result is a saving of your time and money.

Third Step: In the rare case that your problem is more complicated, still requiring a private online session, you may then contact me for an appointment. Online private sessions are usually a minimum of one hour and the current fee is $550 per session, plus GST. In person private sessions are held in White Rock, British Colombia, Canada (30 minutes from Vancouver, BC International Airport). The fee for in person private sessions is $750 plus GST. As an alternate approach, some clients request a custom personalized hypnosis recording, without a private session. The fee for this personalized hypnosis recording is $350 plus GST. Fees are in Canadian funds.

Do hypnosis recordings work, or do I need to see a hypnotist in person?

You will see on our testimonial’s pages for Stop Smoking and Weight Loss  many people who just listened to my hypnosis recordings and reached their goals. In person hypnosis, for some people and certain challenges can take many sessions. Many people do not have the time and the budget for this. If you have a natural talent to be hypnotized, and many do, then a single playing of one of my hypnosis recordings may bring success. If you need more time, you can play the recording over and over until the new mindset locks into your life.

What is your system or approach to helping people with hypnosis?

My goal is to empower people with hypnosis and mind power skills, so they feel strong and independent without needing me.

I discovered that for some problems or challenges, many people did not need multiple hypnosis sessions, the added stress of appointment after appointment and a large investment which added more stress in their life.

Back in the 1960’s I created what was one of the first hypnosis recordings to stop smoking. I quickly learned that hypnosis recordings alone may help many people in a shorter amount of time and less investment in cost. Yes, some people do need a private one on one session, but I advise them to listen to my recordings first, even if it is just conditioning them to hypnosis. Usually, my recordings are the answer to their problem.

However, if their challenge is more complicated, then they may require one or more private sessions. If they have used my hypnosis recordings first, they will shorten the number of private sessions required, and at far less cost.

Can anyone be hypnotized?

I would have to say yes, unless the mind is incapacitated by alcohol, drugs, or a serious medical or psychological condition which impairs the person to have a minimal ability to focus attention and follow simple instructions. Being hypnotized is so simple that a child can experience it. Some people are hypnotizable in seconds, others take a little more time. Some people experience a deeper level of hypnosis than others. People can be trained or conditioned to enter more profound levels of hypnosis. Even light levels of hypnosis like daydreaming, with planned, positive, powerful suggestion can result in great life changes for the better.

A stage entertainer, “The Great?”, could not hypnotize me!

Theatrical hypnosis must be entertaining and fast moving. The stage hypnotist keeps the most entertaining people and those who can be hypnotized in seconds. When I entertained about 50,000 people at the Vancouver Pacific National Exhibition in 1980 (see photos in my Video Gallery), I sent many volunteers back into the audience as the show would have been too slow if I kept too many on stage. Over 300 volunteers came on stage wanting to be hypnotized, but I only wanted to keep about 20 or 25 people. In Winnipeg, so many volunteers came on stage that the stage began to collapse. People love to experience hypnosis!

What if I do not wake up from hypnosis?

You are not asleep. It is more like daydreaming. I’ve hypnotized hundreds of thousands of people. People exit hypnosis feeling fantastic, looking forward to their next hypnosis experience.

What if I reveal my secrets?

While hypnotized, there is a part of your mind that stays alert to protect you against inappropriate suggestions. I call this the “subconscious censor”. Hypnotized people possess a very creative imagination. They can spontaneously create wild stories and lies without effort. You do not lose will power in hypnosis; you gain will power.

What is it like to be hypnotized?

Everyone’s experience is different. You should read firsthand experiences of people who have been hypnotized here.  It is common to feel very relaxed, almost asleep in your body; yet super alert in your mind, as you focus upon the voice of the hypnotist. This powerful concentration upon the hypnotist’s voice causes you to change your mindset to overcome unhealthy habits, become your personal best (many Olympic champions use hypnosis) and to reach your goals for health, happiness, and success. Being hypnotized is like daydreaming, but far beyond and more powerful than meditation or positive thinking because you are using the power of your subconscious mind. Beginners are often unaware that they are hypnotized.

How and Why did you become a hypnotist?

I became interested in hypnosis at age 9 after reading a Popular Science Magazine. I then started studying everything about hypnosis that I could find and learning from every hypnotist who came to my city. In 1967, I attended the University of Manitoba to study psychology and graduated in 1971 with a B.A. (Honours) degree. I was then employed as a psychological technician at the Psychiatric Institute in the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba. My work involved teaching progressive relaxation to high anxiety hospital patients and administering psychological tests.

This was followed by private session hypnotherapy at the Medical Dental Centre in Polo Park Shopping Centre in Winnipeg. In the subsequent decades, I continually studied the field of hypnosis by attending professional training seminars throughout North America; accumulating a massive collection of reference books and recordings about hypnosis, guided imagery, mind power, motivation, success, and related subjects and offering thousands of live group seminars to help the public with issues such as smoking, weight, stress, pain, self-esteem, and other issues.

I also presented thousands of educational, inspirational, and entertaining hypnosis presentations to audiences throughout North America. This created public awareness of the power of our own mind, as well as “the best medicine” for people, fun and laughter.

I also wrote two self-help hypnosis and mind power books and created over one hundred hypnosis recordings to help people in their own home. I did all this for two reasons:

First, I was fascinated with the power of hypnosis. Hypnosis was often the last resort chosen by people, but the one that often led to success or healing. Second, most importantly, I wanted to help people to enjoy a happier, more successful life. Throughout my life, I have found personal happiness and joy in helping hundreds of thousands of people in person and millions through radio and television.

How does the subconscious mind work?

The outer conscious mind sleeps, but the subconscious does not. When our conscious mind sleeps, we may still change position, pull covers up or down, shift sleeping position, be alerted when a child cries or we hear an alarm clock. The subconscious mind does not sleep. Even while anesthetized for surgery, and unconscious, your mind is aware of what is going on in the operating room. As Dr. Milton Erickson often said: “Your unconscious knows more about you than you do.”

Your inner mind has “file cabinets” of the many skills, experiences, and learnings of your entire life. These can be retrieved in hypnosis to solve your current problems. The subconscious does not know the difference between imagination and reality. That’s why a dream can seem so real. What if you were hypnotized, and then you so clearly imagined yourself as the person you want to be, such as a nonsmoker or someone with new healthier eating habits; a new lifestyle; a new love for life and yourself? What if your mindset was changed in how you think, feel, and behave so that you believed that you are this new person?  Wouldn’t your life change dramatically? The positive instructions/directions/suggestions of the hypnotist also release “happy” chemicals in your body and brain which help direct you to greater health, happiness, and success.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

Forward Thinking …

Give yourself a lot of love. Plan your future and live in the moment. Be as good to yourself as you are to others. You never have to be a victim. There are things you can do. What are you going to do differently now for a brighter future? Where in life are you going to take yourself now?