Eating like a bird, but no weight loss?

Are you eating like a bird, but no weight loss? Certain causes and negative beliefs/mind-sets locked in the subconscious mind can cause people to be overweight:

  1. Repeated parental commands in childhood to stop wasting food, to think of the starving children in China. Food is expensive, do not waste it (put it on your waist). Clean up your plate.
  2. Established childhood habit repeated: “Time for a bedtime snack.”
  3. When I had pain, fell, failed, or sadness, I received ice cream, candy, a sweet, a treat. Now, I want these when times are tough: no date, lonely, lost job, lost relationship.
  4. If I fall, I will be safer with the cushion of skin.
  5. I can be a “big” person, a “big man;” “big like my father;” be just like mother. A wall of defence, protection.
  6. It is the baby I did not have.
  7. I can be “jolly,” the “happy go lucky person.”
  8. I will be less sexually desirable (not always true, but whatever the person’s subconscious believes is true for them) and not step out on my husband, wife. “I can prevent sexual contact.”
  9. Food and drink are for celebrations. “Let’s celebrate!” I grew up with this family lifestyle pattern. For many people, the way they show love is excessive food.
  10. Food was scarce when I was poor, young. I had better store up now in case it is hard to get tomorrow.
  11. All my relatives are overweight. I must be too. It is heredity.
  12. Oral fixation.
  13. I am full, but it “tastes so good.” “I deserve this pleasure.”
  14. Belief that they died from a lack of food in a past life. Again, if the subconscious belief is there, it is true for them.

Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy/Hypnoanalysis can remove the diseased thought in the subconscious mind and install a new healthy mindset.

Client: “I eat like a bird, but I am not losing weight”:

I once heard Dr. Albert Ellis answer: “What kind of bird, a vulture.” Here are fixes:

  1. Your body needs more calories than you are eating on your restricted low-calorie plan. Are you eating a variety of foods to receive proper nutrition in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients? On an extreme low-calorie meal plan, metabolism can slow down for self-preservation.
  2. People often forget what they eat or miscalculate the true calories. Keep a diary for accuracy.
  3. Are most calories from oils, junk food, sweets, alcohol (empty calories), highly processed items? What is the nutrition in soft drinks, candy, ice cream, pastries?
  4. Do you move your body frequently? Do you vary your exercises on different days, and choose according to your physical condition? A consistent exercise plan allows you to condition yourself for increased exercise output over time. Increased muscle burns more calories.
  5. DIEt. “If I lose too much weight, I might die.”
  6. If you are getting sufficient restful sleep, this gives you more energy to move your body. Research associates lack of sleep with weight gain. My hypnosis sessions and recordings can help with the above, but you need extra help for the next one.
  7. Medical conditions can prevent weight loss, even with proper nutrition and body movement. In that case, see your physician for examination and testing for weight gain caused by glands and certain medicines.

Millions of people gained weight during Covid. It is common for people to gain weight during Christmas festivities. Now is a good time to plan and act now if you need help with weight loss.

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Enjoy every moment,

Vance Romane