Brainwave Activity Changes with Hypnosis

Brainwave activity changes with hypnosis. When you are hypnotized, you move from the wide awake brainwave beta state to slower theta waves. You experience changes such as fluttering eyelids, slower, smoother, more regular and deeper breathing. Your body relaxes, and time is distorted as your mind focuses more and more on the voice of the hypnotist, following his instructions. Time passes quickly as you drift, dream, and float with the hypnotic instructions.

Good feelings are felt in hypnosis because the body releases the pleasure chemical, dopamine. When you are hypnotized, instructions given by the hypnotist can change your beliefs. For example, you can be hypnotized to believe you are a nonsmoker; to believe you love exercise, to dislike biting your nails, to believe you have powerful concentration, to block out pain, to be more relaxed in all situations, etc.

Hypnotic instructions given before and after surgery reduce the need for excessive anesthesia and medication. Recovery is faster, and hospital stays are shorter. There is less bleeding, less pain, and the person’s bodily functions all return to normal faster. To a great extent, what we truly believe, we become: healthy or unhealthy, happy or sad, even rich or poor.

Quantum physics suggests that we are the creator of our own realities. Our expectations and intentions, our ability to focus our mind power creates our future.
Every cell in our body has a mind, a consciousness. Hypnosis allows us to influence and change our health, our mood, and what we can achieve by changing our beliefs. A magnifying glass can focus the rays of the sun to start a fire that can destroy a city. Hypnosis helps us to focus our mind power for health, happiness, and success.

You can use a specific hypnosis recording to change your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. The greatest misconception I have heard from people in the last 50 years is the false belief that they need to see a hypnotist in person to be helped. Thousands of people have used my hypnosis recordings in their own home. Virtually anyone using my hypnosis recordings will enjoy a better life.

Two secrets of going into hypnosis are: First, do not care if you know you are hypnotized. Most people don’t know anyway. Assume you are hypnotized, and keep focusing effortlessly on my voice. Don’t care if you are hypnotized because you won’t know anyway. Just go with the flow, and let all the instructions sink into every cell of your brain and body for you to become the way you want to be.

Secondly, really be there with the instructions, as if everything you are told is really true, right now, the moment it is being said. Use all your senses with your imagination: see, hear, feel, smell, taste. Really be there. When I hear hypnotic instructions from a hypnosis recording, I accept it all as true. I do not evaluate, judge, or criticize. I open my mind, trust, and the instructions work FAST. Yes, I use my own hypnosis recordings too, and have done so for over 50 years. The season is changing, and you can too, if that is what you strongly desire. There is an old saying: “A tree unbending will soon break.”

The first step to changing is action with the new knowledge. Knowledge alone is not power. Action is the real power. Another important principle of neurolinguistic programming is “If what you are doing is not working, do something different.” That is, stop banging your head against a wall.

Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions.  I enjoy your letters!