Hypnosis for Pain Control, Gastric Reflux, Thought Control

Here are two short hypnosis video experiences I presented at a Hypnosis Practice Session. Enjoy Magnetic Fingers and Hand Locking Hypnosis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mybhvZjhsc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74uWHyVYolo If you enjoy these videos, please subscribe to my You Tube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4vaahtJ7pvkaif0E8YzLhQ Fast, Practical, Natural Pain Relief: There are many causes of pain. Check with your physician before using this technique. Sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes, relax, and take in three long, slow, deep breaths, breathing out … Read more

Should You Wait For A Live Seminar Or Use Recordings?

Are you smoking, overweight, or have a life challenge, but saying to yourself, “I will wait for a live seminar, rather than listen to downloads or recordings”? Many people falsely believe that a live seminar is more effective than recordings. In fact, hypnosis recordings are highly effective to permanently overcome most challenges that you may have. You will find dozens of different hypnosis sessions for ordinary everyday problems/challenges on my website at www.vanceromane.com When you … Read more

Romane Weight Loss Hypnosis Seminar, Benefits

Upcoming Online Romane Seminar: Weight Loss with Hypnosis, Feb. 26th Natural, Effortless During my weight management hypnosis seminar, instructions are given to change the body, the mindset, lifestyle habits, how you feel about yourself, how you feel about life, stress management and more. People participating in the seminar often say: “Cutting down on portion sizes and avoiding unhealthy foods became easy, effortless” and “After the seminar, I felt an urge to move my body more, … Read more

Compassion for Smokers

Here is an article I wrote based on government and psychological research about Smoker’s Mindset. Smokers identify themselves as smokers. The mental picture they hold in their head is being a smoker. They say, “I am a smoker,” Cigarettes are a “friend” in times of boredom, loneliness, a bond with others who smoke and something to do with the hands. Cigarettes are always there in times of stress or rough times for calming relaxation. Unfortunately, … Read more

New Romane Seminars

Gain Control Back In Your Life by M. Vance Romane New Seminars Scheduled: Sat. Feb. 12th: Stop Smoking with Hypnosis (Discount Code: FRIEND) Sat., Feb. 26th:  Lose Weight with Hypnosis (Discount Code: HEALTH) For more information visit: www.vanceromane.com Thank you to all the participants who attended my online Stop Smoking Seminar, Jan. 15th. It was a huge pleasure to help so many people and to answer your questions. We had attendees from all over the … Read more

Final Romane Stop Smoking Seminar

Hello Astronauts of the Mind, The final Romane Stop Smoking Hypnosis Seminar planned is this Saturday, Jan. 15th, running about 2 ¼ hours. Time will pass fast because most of the time you will be hypnotized. Only 67 tickets are left! Your discount code is FRIEND. Register at: www.vanceromane.com Stop Smoking – The Bottom Line I always wondered why people buy a ticket for an entertainer a year ahead and leave buying a ticket to … Read more

News Release: Vance Romane Stop Smoking Hypnosis Seminar

News Release: Keep Your Resolution: Hypnotist Vance Romane’s Online Seminar to Stop Smoking, Manage Stress Hypnotist Romane’s Multiple Method Approach to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution for people with the desire to stop smoking and manage pandemic stress to improve health and save money. Smoking has been called slow motion suicide on the installment plan. Smokers are feeling the effects of tobacco on their health and pocketbook more than ever with the pandemic stress and … Read more

Better Sleep, Pain Control, Happiness by Romane

Holiday Greetings! I wish you and yours a Happy, Healthy and Joyful Holiday Season! Here are some ideas for better sleep, pain control and happiness: Better Sleep: I am hearing many people need help with sleep. Managing stress, paying attention to healthy eating, exercise, some sunshine, drinking adequate water, laughter and making time for adequate sleep are some important areas for our attention. Others tell me that their sleep is improved if they have a long … Read more

Hypnosis in the News

Here are some interesting “In the News” articles, enjoy! New Zealand is planning to outlaw smoking for the next generation so they will never be legally able to buy tobacco in the country. Under proposed new legislation, the legal age of eighteen for buying tobacco will be raised progressively, Associate Health Minister Dr. Ayesha Verrall said at a news conference Thursday. The government plans to put the bill before Parliament in 2022. Alongside the proposed law, … Read more

Benefits Of Being A Non-Smoker

by Vance Romane Our next online stop smoking hypnosis seminar is Feb. 12th. Many people chase wealth over health, then try to buy their health back, but it is often too late. Smokers need to stop before smoking stops them. 95% of lung cancer cases are in smokers. Health is the most priceless gift to yourself or others. Please click this link for more information on the new seminar: http//: https://vanceromane.com/zoom-registration/ . Your discount code is FRIEND. … Read more