Better Sleep with Hypnosis

According to, Swiss researchers did a study on using hypnosis to help women who suffer from insomnia.  The report concluded, “After listening to a sleep-promoting audio tape containing hypnotic suggestion, women who are suggestible to hypnosis spent two-thirds less time awake, and about 80 percent more time in deep sleep compared to those who slept without the hypnotic suggestion.” Symptoms of insomnia may include difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the … Read more

The Power of Negative and Positive Thinking

A person can crave alcohol, sweet foods, or tobacco today and within minutes, his cravings may be gone with the correct hypnosis suggestions. Some respond successfully instantly with hypnosis, while others may need more time, or hypnosis conditioning. Those who can relax quickly and powerfully focus their mind on the voice of the hypnotist do very well. Those who have tension and constant fears, worries, and anxieties going through their mind may take more time … Read more

How Your Mind Works

Hypnosis is super concentration of the mind. You are not distracted by everyday thoughts. The greater the focus of the mind, the “deeper” the hypnosis. However, even a “light” or “medium’ trance with positive instructions from the hypnotist can produce enormous changes in your life. If the hypnotic directions or commands are not agreeable to the client, they can be rejected by what I call the subconscious censor. The mind and body constantly influence each … Read more

Hypnosis in Hospitals

In the large burns unit of Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) in Switzerland, hypnosis is used on a daily basis. According to Dr. Pierre-Yves Rodondi at the University Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine and a scientific study carried out at the hospital (published in the journal Burns), it is concluded that hypnosis: reduces the time patients spend in intensive care by 5 days cuts the cost of therapy and saves $26,000 a patient should be … Read more

Mind-Body Connection and Hypnosis Research

The University of Miami and the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center have published a breast cancer study showing that the combination of meditation, stress management and cognitive therapy (that includes changing beliefs with hypnosis) can lower the death rate from any disease by 79%…….75% lower the risk of dying from breast cancer and 55% lower the risk of recurrence. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected … Read more

Romane’s Seminars and How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 3 of 3)

Romane’s Seminars and How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 3 of 3) A few more thoughts: Stop the struggle: “I have to stop smoking”; “I have to be hypnotized”; “I have to get rid of this pain.” Such intensity creates worry, stress, and other negative emotions. Do not “try hard”. People try hard to fall asleep, and can’t sleep. They try hard to remember something, but when they stop trying, the memory often comes … Read more

How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 2 of 3)

How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 2 of 3) Selective perception: Stare at a candle or any spot that you can intently focus your attention. Notice how you can block out everything else around you. While daydreaming, it is possible to not notice people coming in and out of a room. Your vision can become tunnel-like and you can see only the candle. This is similar to crystal gazing. If I wave a match … Read more

How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 1 of 3)

How to Maximize Your Mind Power (Part 1 of 3) Hypnotherapy is beneficial for a wide range of issues encountered in general medicine, ophthalmology, dermatology, pediatrics, anesthesiology, obstetrics and gynecology, dentistry, psychology and psychiatry. The American Psychology Association (APA) website has stated that most clinicians now agree hypnotherapy can be a powerful and effective therapeutic technique for a wide variety of conditions. Some of the areas of application are insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, anorexia … Read more

Hypnotic Pain Control, and the Power of Affirmations versus Mental Imagery

Hypnotic Pain Control, and the Power of Affirmations versus Mental Imagery Our mouth is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, as there is a high concentration of nerve endings in the mouth. That is why taking care of your dental health is very important, if you want to omit some serious dental problems. I personally run regular check-ups with our local clinic. Extracting a molar tooth from a person’s mouth without the … Read more

Who can be hypnotized? Most Anyone.

I believe I can hypnotize almost anyone, if they want to be hypnotized, and if they pay attention to my instructions. The instructions are so simple that a child can follow them. Some people can be hypnotized in seconds, while others need to be trained in the skill, or conditioned for hypnosis. The first step is to eliminate any irrational fears or misconceptions so the client feels comfortable with hypnosis. The second step is to … Read more