Benefits Of Being A Non-Smoker

by Vance Romane

Our next online stop smoking hypnosis seminar is Feb. 12th. Many people chase wealth over health, then try to buy their health back, but it is often too late. Smokers need to stop before smoking stops them. 95% of lung cancer cases are in smokers. Health is the most priceless gift to yourself or others. Please click this link for more information on the new seminar: http//: . Your discount code is FRIEND.

If you are a non-smoker, this article will motivate you to remain one. If you are a smoker, this article will motivate you to stop for good.

Open your eyes big. The benefits of being a clean fresh air breather can be all yours. You can feel it, love it, live it, own it! At the end of my stop smoking seminar, you can enjoy better health, a longer life to enjoy the people you like and love, more physical energy, more mental energy, be more productive and you will have much more money for yourself. Life insurance rates are reduced for non-smokers. Take a calculator, calculate, and surprise yourself what you spend on tobacco in a year, 10 years.

As a clean fresh air breather, you can have sharper senses of taste and smell, a strong sense of confidence, greater will power and self-control over your emotions and over your life. Every day you can feel better about yourself, about life.

Many people have said: “Since I became a non-smoker, now I believe I can do anything.” One man told me he started a new business but did not have the confidence to do so before. People report to me a lifestyle change of new health such as eating healthier food, wanting to exercise more, better sleep, greater alertness, better concentration and memory, elimination of nail biting and more. Nail biters usually end experiencing fungus on their nails and hands. They tell me things do not bother them so much anymore since they started using my relaxation and stress management techniques.

Many house fires and deaths are caused by smokers falling asleep with a lit cigarette. Babies can be smaller when born to mothers who smoke. You can even avoid mouth cancer and the more frequent dental checkups to get the tar out of your teeth.

You can be a wonderful example to children. Every day your lungs are cleaner; you have fresher breath, a more pleasant voice, cleaner whiter teeth, a new cleaner better lifestyle, a new clean fresh scent on your skin, cleaner hair, a cleaner bloodstream, better oxygen flow to all your cells, better circulation, warmer hands, warmer feet and increased life-giving oxygen to your heart. (Poor circulation due to smoking can be the cause of erectile dysfunction and impotence.) In fact, every organ in your body can be healthier as a non-smoker.

You would not feed food to your pet if the container were labelled “dangerous to the health of your pet.” Cigarette smoke has over 4000 chemicals including arsenic, ammonia, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. Small children and persons with lung conditions are especially harmed by side-stream smoke. A single pack a day cigarette smoking habit deposits one quart of tar in the lungs in one year and increases the chance of lung cancer ten times. Lung cancer is even more likely for a heavy smoker.

“Cutting down” or “low-tar cigarettes” are not enough. Total non-smoking is the goal for the best health. The Canadian Council on Smoking and Health states: “…it’s never too late to stop smoking. Death rates among ex-smokers start to decrease within only one year after they have quit. And eventually, ex-smokers have a low-risk rate close to that of individuals who have never smoked.”

Stopping smoking gives a feeling of freedom, fewer wrinkles, and less cleaning bills. You can become more athletic and be more socially acceptable. Stop burning clothes and furniture; save medical expenses; experience less lost time from work; avoid the inconvenience of searching for cigarettes at weird hours and sleep better. Cigarette smoking has been called ‘slow motion suicide on the installment plan.’

The Canadian Cancer Society states in Smoking: The Unconscious Act: “Death rates from coronary heart disease, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and emphysema increase with the number of cigarettes smoked and decrease when smoking is discontinued … One third of all fires in Canada are caused by smokers …Statistics from a major Canadian city reveal that 52% of fire fatalities are related to cigarette smoking.”

Many employers will not hire a smoker. Smokers usually have more accidents and lose more time due to health problems. I once hired a painter to paint my house and all day long he would take continual smoke breaks. His employer said he lost money on the paint job because of the time used for smoking. He fired the painter.

Dropping the habit increases oxygen flow to your brain, reduces or ends headaches, gives you a clearer mind, healthier nerve cells, cleaner air to breathe and easier breathing. You are more kind to others who have allergies since you have ended that second-hand smoke. You are cleaner on the inside of your body with a healthier stomach, cleaner on the outside; more relaxed and more accepted socially. You may enjoy a better memory, better concentration, cleaner clothing, a cleaner car, a cleaner home. These can all be yours. Simply follow the simple instructions at my stop smoking with hypnosis seminar. Smoking is no longer a good image for an employee, employer, or corporation. Smoking can irritate co-workers. Some smokers smell very strongly of cigarette smoke, even fifteen feet away. The smell is highly noticeable to non-smokers in an elevator.

As a clean fresh air breather, you will be more attractive and feel in control of your life, enjoying feelings of accomplishment, of pride, proud of yourself, enjoying high self-esteem. You will have a more positive outlook and be more of a positive thinker.

Even your immune system will be stronger. You can more easily put up your shield of health to protect you from colds, flus, or sore throats. Your body is healthier and stronger every day.

“Dr. Linus Pauling, the famous scientist estimates that every cigarette shortens your life by 14.4 minutes! Which means that every time you throw away an empty package, you have discarded 6 hours of your life … At 50 years old a smoker is as old physically as a non-smoker at 58 … It gets worse if you’re a three pack-a-day smoker …” From: Smoking and How to Kick the Habit: Canadian Cancer Society

“In ex-smokers the risk of developing lung cancer falls rapidly over the years, becoming like that of non-smokers after 10-15 years of total abstinence. Fortunately, the greatest improvement is in the first two or three years.” From: Facts on Lung Cancer: Canadian Cancer Society.

The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke robs the skin tissues of the nourishment provided by oxygen. Nobody wants to be called ‘prune-face.’ “Wrinkling of the skin,” the Surgeon General said, “is more common and occurs at an earlier age in smokers than non-smokers … smokers in the 40-50 age group are as likely to be as prominently wrinkled as non-smokers who are 20 years older.” From: A New Wrinkle: Narcotics Education Inc., Washington, D.C.

Nicotine and carbon monoxide enter the unborn baby’s bloodstream. Oxygen supply to the baby is reduced up to 40%. The more carbon monoxide in the baby’s blood, the lower the baby’s birth weight. Nicotine reduces the supply of food and oxygen to the unborn baby by narrowing the blood vessels in the placenta. “Women who quit smoking before the fourth month of pregnancy have babies with birth-weights closer to those of non-smoking mothers … The risk of miscarriage among smoking women is almost double that of non-smoking mothers …The chances of having a premature delivery are much higher among women who smoke … There is a 28% greater risk of still births and deaths during the first week of life among babies of still smoking mothers … children are also 3-5 months behind in reading, mathematics and general ability.” From: Should You Smoke During Pregnancy? Canadian Council on Smoking and Health

You are not giving up anything you do want. You are giving up what you do not want. The Romane Stop Smoking Seminar also includes practical help for weight control and stress management. You can practice anything new and master it forever!

“It’s amazing how fantastic you can feel after just a few moments of hypnosis.”

 Vance Romane