10 Tips to Keep Your Resolution and New Live Seminars

Two Great Live Romane Hypnosis Seminars Coming Soon to EDMONTON, AB at the Fantasyland Hotel, Sunday January 22nd:

Lose Weight Hypnosis Seminar: 2 PM – https://vanceromane.com/product/lose-weight-seminar-in-edmonton/

Stop Smoking Hypnosis Seminar: 7 PM – https://vanceromane.com/product/stop-smoking-seminar-in-edmonton/

Depending upon how much someone spends annually on tobacco, the stop smoking seminar may put another $5,000 to $10,000 of after-tax income in their pocket every year for healthier financial wellness in 2023 and beyond. Both seminars can add years to your life and life to your years. Please share the link with your friends and social posts. You may save a life.

UNABLE TO ATTEND EDMONTON? HEAR AND SEE SEMINARS ON DEMAND. Here is a link to purchase the Romane Lose Weight and Stop Smoking RECORDED Hypnosis Seminars: Live, Studio or Online (NEW!); as a download, on CDs or DVDs: https://vanceromane.com/stop-smoking-recordings/

Have you seen this 4 Minute Video? It is a quick look at my 55+ years in the field of hypnosis, including private hypnosis sessions, group hypnosis seminars, mentalism and hypnotic entertainment. Notice the focused attention of the hypnotized people; the tunnel vision; the glazed eyes of the people hypnotized. This concentration produced by hypnosis is the secret to hypnosis being so beneficial to break habits, establish healthy habits, help with pain control and so much more.

Watch on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ74hQM5Imc

10 Motivating Tips for New Year Resolution Success

Top resolutions by people include a desire to lose weight, stop smoking, exercise more, improve health and looks, improve relationships, reduce stress and anxiety and to make or save more money.  Here are ten helpful instructions to reach any goal:

  1. Create a written plan with a specific, measurable, realistic goal. If more exercise is the goal, be gradual in increasing intensity and duration of exercise. Being over ambitious leads to disappointment, or even injury. Make the goal simple, such as resolving to lose ten pounds (just ‘lose weight’ is too vague); to eliminate soft drinks, candy, and chocolate; to walk Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Have your deodorant only available at the gym? To control spending, cut up credit cards and have monthly automated savings? Improve a relationship by setting aside specific times to be with a loved one?
  2. Be accountable by making a verbal commitment to a few people.
  3. Enlist support from a family member, friend, mentor, professional, a class, a self-improvement book or hypnosis recording. Click here: https://vanceromane.com/more-recordings/
  4. Be positive and think “I know I can do this.” Have an intense focused mind set on what you should do, not what you should not do. For example, instead of thinking of not smoking, focus on deep breathing, or drinking more water.
  5. Consider setbacks as learning experiences and do better next time.
  6. Talk to people who have done what you want to do and model them.
  7. Realize you have a choice and each time that you go in the right direction you are reinforcing your will power.
  8. Reward yourself for small steps to success with a movie, a small gift, a new outfit, a visit to a friend, or some other rewarding activity.
  9. Several times a day, read a card with your motivational reasons and personal benefits to stick to your plan: Have one on your mirror, and carry one in your wallet to read when waiting somewhere. Reading this just before you fall asleep strongly influences your subconscious mind. Just before sleep, visualize yourself with a detailed daydream, imagining yourself already successful and enjoying the benefits.
  10. Keep a Daily Progress Journal to evaluate and improve your plan for success. People wanting to lose weight often say “I blew my program” when they did well on twenty meals out of twenty-one during the week. That is over 95% success!

Many success coaches instruct others to start with easier goals to feel a sense of accomplishment. This gives confidence to achieve bigger goals. Sometimes it is best to focus all your mental energy on one major goal at a time, focusing on small steps. One brick at a time creates a building.  Patience and calm persistence lead to success. Plan how you will deal with any obstacles that may arise.

The key to my motivating methods is the use of hypnosis with people. Hypnosis intensely focuses their mental powers on what they want; boosts their belief in themselves; increases their self-love so they are totally dedicated to success; instills positive self-talk, and programs mental success images into their subconscious mind so they imagine and feel that they have already succeeded.

“Men are not prisoners of fate, only prisoners of their own minds.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Wishing you a 2023 New Year of Happiness, Health, Laughter, Playfulness and Adventure!

Vance Romane